9 Simple Questions to Reveal the Next Step in
Growing Your Business
Discover what YOU need in order to scale
& achieve your goals!
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Reveal what you need to do in order to grow your business and provide an action plan with next steps!
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For each of the following, which response resonates with you the most? Make note if it's mostly A, B, C, or D
1. I am overwhelmed and have too much to do
a) I’m tired of doing it all, things are slipping through the cracks, and I can’t imagine taking on more business
b) I am overwhelmed by what I should be doing, but feel stuck or I’m still not doing it
c) I’m doing the work but not seeing results and not sure I can add more lead gen or appointments to my schedule
d) No one seems to be able to do things as well as I can so it’s easier for me to take care of it myself and handle it real quick
2. I’ve set big goals and seem to keep falling short
a) I’m already dropping the ball and not sure how I’m going to achieve my goals or be able to do more
b) I know I’m capable of doing more and have potential but something feels like it’s getting in my way
c) I love what I do and helping people, but it seems like people aren’t that serious or motivated
d) No one seems to care as much as I do about our goals or want to work as hard as me to make sure we hit them
3. I’m ready to grow my business and….
a) I can’t afford help and don’t have time to train someone
b) I’m scared if I am capable or if this is the right thing to do
c) I’m doing more work but my results aren’t changing
d) The people I hired aren’t talent and need to find better people
4. I want more balance in my life and business...
a) I can’t afford help and don’t have time to train someone
b) I’m scared if I am capable or if this is the right thing to do
c) I’m doing more work but my results aren’t changing
d) The people I hired aren’t talent and need to find better people
5. What describes your business best?
a) Things are going great and I’m overwhelmed and really busy, not sure if I can afford help or have time to find someone or train them
b) Things aren’t working as well as I thought they would and not sure if I’m really cut out for this. It seems to be easier for others than it is for me.
c) I am doing the work and want more business. Going to increase my effort and work more so I can make more and grow.
d) I have a team and feel like everyone could be doing more, might need to bring on more people so we can hit our goals
6. What area do you think you need help with the most to move forward?
a) Hiring
b) Mindset
c) Sales Skills
d) Leadership
7. Where do you want your business to be a year from now?
a) Functioning with systems in place and not work 24/7
b) Want to be confident in what I’m doing and know that this is working
c) More sales and more money
d) Want the team to grow and scale and not rely on me to keep things moving forward
8. What is stopping your business from growing
a) Not having help
b) Me
c) I have a hard time getting people to say yes
d) Too much time showing my team how it’s done
9. What does your schedule look like?
a) Pretty much 24/7 and I handle paperwork, emails and admin type stuff early in the morning and late at night
b) I know I’m supposed to start earlier but I always feel behind
c) On the phones hustling and looking for deals first thing in the morning, appointments in the afternoon, grinding it out
d) Always answering admin and team questions, client questions, and my phone never stops ringing and not sure when I’m supposed to get anything done